Hornby High and Primary Schools

About the Project
Covering multiple stages over a 30-month programme, the redevelopment includes the construction of a new ‘All of School Building’ featuring modern learning environments, science and technology suites, shared spaces for learning, leisure and administration facilities.
Leighs Construction delivered the redevelopment of an existing high school and associated primary school, including five new buildings, building refurbishments, demolitions and site wide infrastructure.
Ministry of Education
June 2020

Leighs Construction delivered a new state-of-the-art gymnasium, catering for the school’s 800 pupils, as well as a range of other school and community activities.

Leighs provided opportunities for students to work on site through the Gateway Programme, an established ‘introduction to work’ programme run by the Ministry of Education. Participants spent one day a week on site, where they were mentored by Leighs staff and introduced to various aspects of the job including health and safety, using basic tools and understanding the many components of a busy construction site.